Canara Bank Recruitment 2013 – Apply Online for 300 POs, Clerk Posts: Canara Bank has issued notification for the training programme for Graduates in Jammu & Kashmir and recruitment for 300 Probationary Officers & Probationary Clerk vacancies in the special Industry Initiative for the state of Jammu & Kashmir Scheme. Eligible candidates may apply through prescribed application format or online from 29-04-2013 to 15-05-2013.
Canara Bank Vacancy Details:
Total No of Posts: 300
Name of the posts:
1. Probationary Officer [JMGS-I]: 270 Posts
2. Probationary Clerk: 30 Posts
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Age Limit: Candidates age should be minimum 21 years and maximum 30 years for probationary Officer Post and minimum 20 years & maximum 28 years for probationary clerk post as on 01-03-2013. Age relaxation is applicable as per rules.
Educational Qualification: Candidates must possess Degree in any discipline from a recognized University or any equivalent qualification recognized as such by the Government of India and the result should have been declared on or before 01-03-2013 for both posts.
Selection Process: The eligible candidates who have enrolled for training will be shortlisted based on their academic record and suitability to the post. For such shortlisting, Bank may conduct a written test and/or Group Discussion and/or Interview etc., if required for shortlisting of candidates for training and bank will be conducting Written Test, Group Discussion and Interview for the candidates who have been certified successful in training for recruitment to the posts of Prob. Officers and Clerks, depending on the option given by them and their eligibility for the respective posts. The selection process (Written Test, GD and interview) will be done by the Bank for these posts after completion of each batch for recruitment process.
How to Apply:
Candidates have to register in and apply for this programme from 29-04-2013 to 15-05-2013. All candidates who have applied on-line have to bring with them a filled-in physical application form as per application format given in the website. Candidates can also apply by submitting physical application, as per application format provided in the Annexure, to the designated branches of Canara Bank or to the Nodal Officers at the designated Degree Colleges on or before 15-05-2013.
Important Dates:
Starting Date for Online Application: 29-04-2013
Last Date for Online Application: 15-05-2013.
Last Date for submission of Application: 15-05-2013
Click here for more details
Canara Bank Vacancy Details:
Total No of Posts: 300
Name of the posts:
1. Probationary Officer [JMGS-I]: 270 Posts
2. Probationary Clerk: 30 Posts
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Age Limit: Candidates age should be minimum 21 years and maximum 30 years for probationary Officer Post and minimum 20 years & maximum 28 years for probationary clerk post as on 01-03-2013. Age relaxation is applicable as per rules.
Educational Qualification: Candidates must possess Degree in any discipline from a recognized University or any equivalent qualification recognized as such by the Government of India and the result should have been declared on or before 01-03-2013 for both posts.
Selection Process: The eligible candidates who have enrolled for training will be shortlisted based on their academic record and suitability to the post. For such shortlisting, Bank may conduct a written test and/or Group Discussion and/or Interview etc., if required for shortlisting of candidates for training and bank will be conducting Written Test, Group Discussion and Interview for the candidates who have been certified successful in training for recruitment to the posts of Prob. Officers and Clerks, depending on the option given by them and their eligibility for the respective posts. The selection process (Written Test, GD and interview) will be done by the Bank for these posts after completion of each batch for recruitment process.
How to Apply:
Candidates have to register in and apply for this programme from 29-04-2013 to 15-05-2013. All candidates who have applied on-line have to bring with them a filled-in physical application form as per application format given in the website. Candidates can also apply by submitting physical application, as per application format provided in the Annexure, to the designated branches of Canara Bank or to the Nodal Officers at the designated Degree Colleges on or before 15-05-2013.
Important Dates:
Starting Date for Online Application: 29-04-2013
Last Date for Online Application: 15-05-2013.
Last Date for submission of Application: 15-05-2013
Click here for more details
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