Friday, April 12, 2013

Young Bankers Program : AXIS BANK : Last Date - 14 April 2013 @ All India


(Freshers) Axis Bank Young Bankers Program @ All India

Axis Bank has entered into a tie-up with Manipal Global Education to create the Axis Bank Young Bankers (ABYB) program offering a Post Graduate Diploma in Banking Services (PGDBS) and a guaranteed job with Axis Bank on successful completion. Launching the 4th Batch Axis Bank Young Bankers Program.

Eligibility & Last Date:
- Age limit 25 years, born on or after 1st January, 1988
- Graduates from any stream, with 55% and above in their graduation and a consistent academic performance.
- Last date to apply 14th April 2013.

Where will the course be held?
- The course will be conducted on the ManipalBanking Training Campus, Bangalore.
- This is a fully residential program (no day scholars are allowed) and students shall stay on the campus during the initial 9 months duration of the course. 
- Students will undertake an internship program in the last 3 months in any Axis Bank across the country. 

In which locations will the selection process be conducted?
- The Bank will endeavor to give each applicant a test venue that is closest to his / her place of residence; however the Bank cannot guarantee the same.
- The venue and center allocated to the applicant will be mentioned in the call letter and the same will be final, no change being permissible in the test date, test time or test venue, once allocated. Candidates will be intimated through an e-mail to their registered email ID
- The dates for the subsequent processes of interview will be announced at a later date for which successful candidates will be intimated through an e-mail to their registered email ID.


How to Apply for this Job ?
Check All Details Here
Apply Online Here

1 comment:

  1. Hello sir
    please update the page and provide me the latest info about the Axis Bank Jobs 2014 Please update the Page & Provide me the latest info ....
