Monday, May 13, 2013

Texas Instruments Innovation Challenge : India Analog Design Contest 2014

Texas Instruments has announced its Analog Design Contest which aims at promoting analog IC based- system design among the student community in engineering institutions. The contest will be organized in two phases:

Phase 1: Intra College Challenge: At least three teams must be received from a college for the college to be qualified for Phase 1. Each team must consist of two or more undergraduate students OR two or more postgraduate students (mixing is allowed). Each team must submit a project proposal along with the components required by August 15, 2013 according to the guidelines given below. The proposals will be reviewed by an expert panel and the selected teams & colleges will be notified.

Selected teams will then work on their projects. TI will provide the semiconductor components for these projects subject to constraints (see below). It is expected that these teams will independently work on the project and submit a final report & a video of their project demonstration by January 26, 2014.The project reports and videos will be reviewed by an expert panel and one team from each college will be declared a winner. The winning teams of Phase 1 will receive a cash prize. The winning teams will have the opportunity to enter Phase 2.

Phase 2: Inter College Challenge: Winning teams of Phase 1 will be invited to an Educator’s conference where they will have the opportunity to showcase their projects. A team of experts will declare three winners in Phase 2.

Prizes: The top prize, Chairman's Award, has a tag of $10,000.

The first runner-up prize, has a tag of $5000.

The second runner-up prize has a tag of $2000.

In addition, several additional prizes will be awarded to recognize excellence in innovation and project execution.

Who can participate: BE/B.Tech, ME/M.Tech and PhD students from all recognized Indian academic institutions can apply. A team must consist of 2-5 student members(mixing of UG & PG students is allowed). Students graduating in 2014 or later are eligible to participate in the contest.

The last date for the online submission of project proposal, components request and letter of intent in prescribed format is August 15, 2013.

For more details, visit Texas Instruments Innovation Challenge : India Analog Design Contest 2014 Page

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