Thursday, June 20, 2013

Exemption of 2 subjects Rule (Maximum of 8 Credits) For B.Tech (R09) For Award of Degree

Certain representations have been requesting the university to allow waiver of up to eight (8) credits for B.Tech R09 batch students of JNTUH. They further stated that even B.Tech R07 batch was allowed waiver of up to eight (8) credits, they were able to finish their degrees in time and pursue their respective careers.

The Tenth Standing Committee of the Academic Senate held on 10.06.2013 has examined the representation and noticed that in R09 regulations, for some theory subjects credits were allocated 3 and for some theory subjects credits were allocated 4, whereas in R07 regulations all the subjects were allocated 4 credits and the same pattern is existed in the semesters.

In view of the above discrepancy, the Standing Committee of the Academic Senate resolved to approve the exemption up to two subjects maximum of eight credits to obtain Degree for B.Tech R09 students i.e to secure 192 credits out of 200 credits. Accordingly, the Standing Committee of the Academic Senate resolved that the existing academic regulation be modified as
"A student will be declared eligible for the award of the B.Tech Degree if he fulfills the following academic regulations.
(i) Pursued a course of study for not less than four academic years and not more than eight academic years.
(ii) Registered for 200 credits and secured 192 credits with compulsory subjects as listed below:"

  • All the practical subjects
  • Industry oriented mini-project
  • Comprehensive Viva-Voce
  • Seminar
  • Project work.

iii) After eight academic years of course of study, the candidate is permitted to write the examinations for two years.

Based on the recommendations of the Standing Committee of the Academic Senate, the Vice-chancellor is pleased to approve the excemption up to two subjects for maximum of eight credits to obtain Degree for B.Tech R09 batch students i.e to secure minimum 192 credits out of 200 credits, subject to pass of compulsory subjects as above.

These orders are issued subject to ratification of Executive Council of JNTUH.

Official Notification [Declared on 20th June 2013]
Download Undertaking form Here

Check Info on Grace Marks & Class Change Here

JNTU-HYD : Procedure to apply for undertaking (For B.Tech R09 Students) [If u want to get CMM,PC by leaving 1 or 2 subjects]

Note : 
1) Post your doubts as a reply to this post, JNTUWORLD Team members will reply to all your doubts as per their availability in the website.
2) Updated & New Percentage Calculators will be updated by tomorrow. 

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