Friday, June 7, 2013

Yahoo! Hack India: Hyderabad Hack Day on July 13 – 14

Yahoo! Hack Day in India has been a cherished tradition for Yahoo! Developer Network since 2007. We have hosted some of our largest hackathons in India and have been humbled by the overwhelming demand (last year, more than 4,000 applied) from top developers to participate year after year. During our past hackathons, we have heard stories of developers traveling from several different states around the country to hack with us. We know that India has a number of fast growing tech hubs with brilliant developers in addition to Bangalore. So this year, we are thrilled to expand our hackathons to a new location with the first ever Yahoo! Hack India in Hyderabad on July 13-14! Later this year, Yahoo! Hack India will return to Bangalore to reunite with our old hacker friends, and we will continue to take our hackathons to other Indian tech hubs.

We are anticipating a huge response from developers in Hyderabad for a limited number of seats, so we will have a coding challenge in advance of the event to finalize our invitation list. You can apply here to register for this pre-event challenge. You have the choice to take the challenge either the evening of Wednesday, June 19 or during the day on Saturday, June 22nd, IST.

Please watch the YDN blog in the coming weeks for the previews of fun to come at our debut in Hyderabad. In addition to the amazing food, drinks, snacks and caffeine that Yahoo! hack events are known for, we will bring you a variety of awesome tech speakers and entertainment as a part of our two-day program. We promise this will be an event Hyderabad won’t soon forget!

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