Saturday, July 6, 2013

Indian Oil is offering 2600 scholarships for students of 10+/ITI, Engineering, MBBS & MBA Courses

For those who will be in their class 11/ITI courses this year and also for those who will start their BE/B.Tech, MBBS and MBA degrees in the academic session 2013-14.

Indian Oil Educational Scholarship Scheme 2013 for Studies in India

Indian Oil is offering 2600 scholarships for students of 10+/ITI, Engineering, MBBS & MBA Courses on merit-cum-means basis and it invites applications from the deserving students for the same.

This scholarship program can broadly be categorized into:

1) Indian Oil Merit Scholarships Scheme for 10+/ITI studies: 2000 Scholarships worth Rs. 12000 per annum for 2 years are offered for 10+/ITI students. The equitable distribution of scholarships will be State-wise, based on number of students who appeared for 10th Standard examination during 2012-13.

2) Indian Oil Merit Scholarships Scheme for Graduate and Post-Graduate studies: 600 scholarships worth Rs. 36000 per annum are offered to students pursuing professional courses (Engineering – 300 Nos., MBBS - 200 Nos. & MBA -100 Nos.). The scholarships will be equitably distributed zone-wise viz. North, South, East & West, based on number of students who appeared for 12th Standard examination during 2012-13.

Who can apply:

1. 10+/ITI :

(For 10+) – Bonafide students (full time / regular) in 11th standard /Ist Year of Intermediate course or equivalent course in 2013-14 are eligible to apply.

(For ITI) - Bonafide students (full time / regular) in 1st year of 2 years ITI course in 2013-14 are eligible to apply.

2. Engineering & MBBS : Bonafide students (full time/regular) in the first year of Engineering/MBBS degree courses in 2013-14 (minimum 4 years course duration) are eligible to apply.

3. MBA : Bonafide students (full time/regular) in the first year of 2 years post graduate course in Management in 2013-14 are eligible to apply.

The marks obtained in the qualifying examination making the students eligible to seek admission in the respective first year of these courses will be considered for selection. Minimum eligibility percentage of marks required from the students of various categories in qualifying examination is given in the table.

Percentage of marks obtained in qualifying examination shall be calculated on total aggregate marks of all subjects. In case of Graduates, percentage of marks obtained shall be calculated on total aggregate of marks of all subjects for all the academic years of graduation.

Normalization of marks for all courses shall be done by using percentile method so as to rationalize the variation of marks provided by different Boards and Universities/Institutions.

Income: Gross Joint income of the family of the student from all sources during financial year 2012-13 should not exceed Rs. 1,00,000/- (Rupees One Lakh only) per annum. However, in case of tie, preference will be given to the students whose family income (gross joint income from all sources in 2012-13) is upto Rs. 60,000/- (Rs. Sixty thousand only). Income certificate should be issued by appropriate civil authorities of the State/UTs/Central Government only, details of which have been specified in General Instructions. Any other Affidavit submitted in support of Income Proof shall not be accepted.

For more details, visit

And you need to apply online till September 30, 2013 here:

You then need to mail them your printed applications forms along with the following documents ( latest by October 15, 2013.

Our best wishes!

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